Tuesday, May 17, 2005

State of New York Baseball

Here we are, more than a month into the baseball season, and the Mets and Yankees have identical records. As of now, they both stand at 20-19.

Does this mean the Yanks are underachieving and the Mets are overachieving? The first point is certainly true. The Mets really should be where they are. We all know they've shelled out enough in payroll.

What I've always hated about New York baseball is the rotisserie-league, magic-bullet mentality. Teams pick up one player or manager, think that's the last piece of the championship puzzle, then have a crappy year.

We've seen the Mets do that lots of times. Oh, we've got Jeff Torborg to manage us. We should be great. The results were far from great. We've got Mo Vaughn, and we're paying top dollar. What a waste!

The Yankees are guilty of this too. The Giambi deal has been a real bust so far, and the Yanks are still paying for it. A-Rod didn't deliver a world championship. He just turned into a joke at the end of last season. Our most memorable moment of him from 2004: his karate chop in the Red Sox playoff series.

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