Monday, August 01, 2005

Softball not very recreational

Over the weekend, I played in a charity softball tournament with some friends from work. I was our "team captain". My biggest objectives: have fun, make sure everyone gets a chance to play in each game, and raise money for a worthy cause.

Our opponents, on the other hand, were ridiculously competitive. They epitomized the concept of weekend warriors. These guys worked their office jobs during the week, then hit the field in this charitable event as if it was Game 7 of the World Series.

I've noticed the same thing in "recreational" volleyball leagues. My teammates and I just wanted to have a good time, but we faced off against people devoid of personalities in contests which had tremendously confining rules.

I'm serious about bowling. I might look ridiculous to other people who are only interested in beer and a night out of the house. At least in bowling, we get awards for honor scores (300, 299, 298) and league championships. Some leagues offer cash prizes.

What was Joe Softball playing for this past weekend? A plaque that he and 10 friends would have to fight over. I get to take it home every other Tuesday, then you have it on Fridays...

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