Monday, January 02, 2006
Fiesta Bowl Champions!

After that, I was surprised the Fighting Irish didn't try to hurry up and score a touchdown, then go for an onside kick. Basically, they just gave up.
The cutaways to Laura Quinn (sister of Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn and girlfriend of Buckeye linebacker A.J Hawk) were a little excessive. It reminded me of when the New Jersey Nets were in the NBA Finals, and we kept seeing shots of Jason Kidd's wife. Tonight, the only times the reaction shots were interesting were after Hawk tackled his girl's bro.
Ted Ginn, Jr. made up for his miscues during the Michigan game, and for his virtual absence earlier in the season. Once he eluded the first defender during his 68-yard touchdown run, you knew he was going all the way. I'm not going to start all the "Ginn for Heisman '06" talk yet. I thought he'd be a contender early this season, and we all know what happened.
Once again, it was good to see that Buckeye coach Jim Tressel let his playmakers make plays, and he didn't play things too close to his trademark sweater vest.
The Buckeyes did a great job turning things around after two early losses, and many (including me) were mentally preparing for a lost season.